Independent Health requires each of its participating provider groups or practices complete Fraud, Waste & Abuse Training and submit an electronic attestation to confirm completion of this training by each of their staff members.
Staff members of practices required to complete this training include physicians, mid-levels, ancillary providers, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, administrative and office staff, technicians, coders and others.
The downloadable training modules from Independent Health are available for your staff.
Once your staff have completed this training through one of the above or another source*, please submit the attestation to verify with Independent Health that this training has been completed.
The attestation should be submitted by an authorized representative on behalf of all individuals encompassed under a practice’s Tax Identification Number (TIN). Therefore, each individual staff member does NOT need to complete the attestation.
If you have questions, please call Independent Health Provider Relations Department at (716) 631-3282 or 1-800-736-5771, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
*If your practice has completed this training through another source and has a roster or spreadsheet with the dates the training was completed, you may submit the attestation to Independent Health.