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Search Independent Health’s Local Provider Network

Find doctors, hospitals, urgent care and other providers in the local WNY area and surrounding counties.

Out-of-Area Medical Networks

Your plan may provide primary or secondary coverage for access to care outside of Independent Health’s 23 county network. For best results, log in to your MyIH account for coverage details based on your plan.  

UnitedHealthcare Options PPO Network logo

PHCS logo

First Health logo

Other Networks

Your plan may have additional coverage for services such as dental, vision, hearing or transportation. You may see out-of-network providers when you search as a guest. For best results, log in to your MyIH account to search.

Employer Group/Individual coverage refers to plans offered through your employer or self-funded.

About Our Provider Networks: Each Independent Health plan uses a specific network of providers, and that same network is used regardless of whether the plan is purchased through the New York State of Health Marketplace or directly through Independent Health. Independent Health does not use quality measures, member experience measures or cost-related measures to select practitioners for its network.

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