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Vaccination Resources

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. And, people who are fully vaccinated should get updated shots as they become eligible for them.

Stay up-to-date on who should get a COVID-19 vaccine, who should get updated shots and when they are eligible by visiting the CDC website.

Vaccinations: Covered in Full

Where to get COVID-19 vaccinations:

There are different locations where you can get your vaccinations. You may need to schedule an appointment. For information on where to schedule an appointment:

Be sure to take your insurance card and your vaccination card when you go for your shot.

Vaccination Facts

  • Millions of people have received the COVID-19 vaccines safely. The safety of every vaccine used is being watched. For the most up-to-date safety information about the vaccine, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
  • In the video to the right, doctors, nurses and researchers address common questions and misperceptions about the COVID vaccines.

Questions or concerns about getting the COVID-19 vaccines?

We know that some people may have questions or concerns about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Below we have posted facts and answers to some of the common questions and opinions have.