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Medication Therapy Management (MTM)

Helping You Safely Manage Your Prescriptions

Have you ever wondered if you are taking your medications correctly? Our experienced MTM pharmacists talk with you over the phone to make sure your medications are right for your health conditions. This FREE, comprehensive review with the pharmacist is available to eligible members and helps to identify, prevent and resolve medication related problems, while also helping to ensure your safety, security and peace of mind.

Get Started Today by Scheduling an Appointment through our new online tool!

During Your Appointment, the Pharmacist Will:

  • Talk through your full list of medications one by one with you.
  • Talk with you about what they see as potential medication-related problems or opportunities.
  • Answer your personal questions about your medications.

MTM consists of two types of medication reviews:

A detailed one-on-one review between the MTM pharmacist and the patient or caregiver. The conversation usually lasts about 15 to 20 minutes. If we identify issues, the pharmacist will work with your doctor to help resolve the issue. After this review, the pharmacist will mail you a list of your medications and a to-do list based on your review.

We will also review your medications in the background using claims data to look for specific common problems. If problems are identified, the pharmacist may reach out to you for a brief conversation or may follow up directly with your doctor.

After Your Appointment, the Pharmacist Will:

  • Give you a current medication list to bring to doctor visits and keep in case of emergencies.
  • Provide a written summary of your discussion, along with a list of recommendations to help improve your health.
  • Help work with your doctor to make potential changes to your medication if issues are identified through your comprehensive review.
  • Be available to help you with any future questions and follow up on any issues that are identified.

A Program That Brings Results

In the first ten months of 2024, our MTM program has helped our members identify:

310 cost savings opportunities, including changing prescriptions from 30-day supplies to 90-day supplies.

339 cases where the medications prescribed weren't being as effective as they could or should be, leaving a condition under-treated.

More than 1,000 potential safety issues, including harmful drug-to-drug interactions, dangerous side effects and other health risks.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you are eligible for MTM and choose to speak to the pharmacist, the pharmacist will complete this Personal Medication List for you. You may also complete and print this form out for yourself.

Results That Bring Smiles

Take it from our Medication Therapy Management Program Participants:

"Better understanding of meds and this review showed someone cared about my health and safety."

"The pharmacist helped me identify potential meds that could be contributing to low sodium blood level.  So helpful for discussion with my doctors."

"This is a program I would highly recommend.  A friendly, helpful and knowledgeable person to help is a perk."

Independent Health is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract offering HMO, HMO-SNP, HMO-POS and PPO plans. Enrollment in Independent Health depends on contract renewal.

Last Updated 1/2/2025