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How to Lower Your Costs

We understand that your prescription drug costs can add up quickly. The information provided here may help you discover new ways to save.

Select Generic Drugs

We’re always looking for ways to bring you added value, like offering a low copay for select generic drugs.

View 2025 Tier 1 List

View 2025 Tier 1 List for Assure Advantage (C-SNP)

Low Income Subsidy or "Extra Help" Premiums

If you get Extra Help from Medicare to help you pay for your Medicare prescription drug costs, your monthly plan premium will be lower.


Do you qualify for EPIC (New York State Elderly Prescription Drug Coverage)?

If you are over the age of 65, see if you qualify for New York State Elderly Prescription Drug Coverage (EPIC). New York State offers EPIC insurance to people over 65 to help reduce the cost of prescriptions.  EPIC is used together with your Independent Health Insurance.  EPIC eligibility is based on income. To see if you might qualify, check online at New York State Department of Health page or call 1-800-332-3742 for more information.


3 Month Supply for Maintenance prescriptions

Fill your maintenance prescriptions for a 3-month supply. After your deductible is met, you only pay two and ½ copays for a 3-month supply which saves you half a copay every three months or two full copays a year. *


Independent Health is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract offering HMO, HMO-SNP, HMO-POS and PPO plans. Enrollment in Independent Health depends on contract renewal.

The Independent Health Medicare Advantage Plan premiums listed above include coverage for both medical services and prescription drug coverage.

*Applies to most drugs that are intended to be used long-term.  These medications are indicated in the formulary document with the initials EDS for Extended Day Supply.  Drugs listed with an “EDS” in the Requirements/Limits column may be prescribed and dispensed at a participating network retail or mail order pharmacy for an extended 90-day supply.

Last Updated 1/2/2025