We make it easy for you to find the information you need about prescriptions, health and fitness tools and other healthy lifestyle information. We also provide frequently used forms and a registration link for your convenience. Still have questions? Here’s where you’ll find our Help Center.

Drugs Covered
View the Member Drug Formulary to determine if your prescription is covered.

Health Tools
Find the helpful tools and resources you need to better manage your health care and achieve your fitness goals, quickly and easily.

Glossary of Terms
Not sure of a term? Check out our glossary, which provides you with definitions and information pertaining to the health insurance industry.

Surprise Bill Law
This New York state law will help you avoid surprise bills and unexpected expenses when receiving out-of-network care. See how you’re protected.

Wellness Discounts
Start saving on fitness classes, medical equipment and more with our exclusive wellness discounts for members.

Frequently Used Forms
Access a variety of forms quickly and all in one convenient place.

Become an Online Member
When you become an online member, you’ll be able to access claims, order ID cards, check reimbursement account balances and more.

Fraud, Waste and Abuse
Learn how Independent Health is dedicated to protecting the privacy and security of our members and their personal health information.