The number one thing to do is keep track of your symptoms
It can be hard living with heart failure, but many people learn to manage their symptoms and live full lives.
People who build new habits report greater improvement and better emotional well-being. Things like eating better, tracking and managing symptoms, and exercising (as directed by your health care team), can all make a difference.
It might seem like a lot to take on, but our Heart Failure Program is here to help. Check out some of the resources below to help you get started:
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Chats
Not sure what to track?
- Watch this 2-minute video to learn more about what symptoms to look for and how you can track them.
- Print out this helpful Symptom Tracker (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
Heart Failure Daily Action Plan-Zone Chart
- Weigh yourself.
- Take your medications as prescribed.
- Do activity as tolerated.
- Maintain a low salt diet.
- Drink fluids as directed by your doctor.
This is where you want to be.
- Your weight is stable. It’s not going up or down.
- You can breathe easily.
- You are sleeping well. You can lie flat without shortness of breath.
- You can do your usual activities.
Pay Attention. Check in with your Doctor.
- You have new or increased shortness of breath.
- You are dizzy, lightheaded or feel you may faint.
- Sudden weight gain (2lbs or more in a day or 5lbs in a week).
- Increased swelling in legs, ankles or feet.
- You are so tired or weak you can’t do your usual activities.
- You aren’t sleeping well, shortness of breath wakes you up, you need extra pillows.
What to do:
- Primary care doctor
- Cardiologist
- Primary care doctor
- Call both if not sure which one to call
This is an emergency!
- You have severe trouble breathing.
- You’re coughing up pink, frothy mucus.
- You notice a new irregular or fast heartbeat.
- You have symptoms of a heart attack (chest pain/pressure, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, lightheadedness or sudden weakness, pain/pressure in back/neck/jaw or upper belly, one or both shoulders/arms).
What to do:
- CALL 911
Module Video Archives
HFP Module 1 What's Your Patient Type
What’ your patient type? Explore our specialized care approach for heart failure patients and its integration into the larger picture.
HFP Module 2 Understanding Heart Failure
Understanding Heart Failure: Bridging the Knowledge Gaps.
HFP Module 3 Medications
The Importance of Medications in Heart Failure Management: Why Taking Them Matters.
HFP Module 4 Foods & Fluids
Fueling Success: The Role of Foods and Fluids.
HFP Module 5 Self-Care & Following the Care Plan
Nurturing Self-Care and Care Plan Adherence: Embrace Your Worth.
HFP Module 6 Exercise & Activity
Exploring Exercise and Activity for a Healthy Heart.
HFP Module 7 Managing Emotions
Emotional Well-being: Mastering the Art of Riding Life's Waves.
HFP Module 8 Managing Other Chronic Conditions
Balancing Heart Failure with Other Chronic Conditions: A Comprehensive Approach
Heart Failure Resources
Downloadables and Interactive Resources
Topic Series Archive
Men's Heart Health
The video provides insights into how heart disease affects men differently than women, discussing gender-specific differences in development, symptoms, and risk factors. It covers topics such as stress management, emotional well-being, diet, exercise, and medications, aiming to empower men to take better control of their heart health.
Relaxation Techniques
Mastering techniques to manage stress and anxiety can empower you to regain control over your emotional well-being. Explore various strategies designed to alleviate stress and incorporate relaxation practices into your daily regimen for enhanced tranquility.
Guideline Directed Medical Therapy
Discover the significance of Guided Directed Medical Therapy (GDMT) and its potential to enhance heart function while mitigating the risk of hospitalization by alleviating symptoms associated with heart failure. Explore how embracing GDMT can contribute to improving your overall cardiac health and well-being.
Atrial Fibrillation
Discover the essentials of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), unraveling the irregular heart rhythm's causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options, providing a clear understanding of this common heart condition.
Medication Management Basics
Discover the essential medication management guide in this informative video, featuring the top 10 medication tips, expert-recommended questions to ask your healthcare providers, best practices for taking your medications, and handy tips for improving medication adherence.
Helpful Resources
Downloadables and Interactive Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated 4/24/2024